Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thought of the Day

Funerals suck dead rhino balls.
And to make matters worse, some people actually go to funerals to see who will be there and greet you at the door by saying - isn't is great to see you, I was wondering whether you'd show up or not! And then they walk away. Strange.
That makes these people suck dead rhino balls.

In better, happy news, Shrimp is twelve weeks old today!
Holy crap. That means I'm almost at four months! And I feel great.


  1. Shrimp ain't bad. I used to call my shrimp "the Alien", to the indignation of my entourage. It was tongue in cheek, I'm sure the Alien knew that...
    Wait until Boo can lay on your belly...while YOU'RE SITTING!! (meaning the belly bulges forward enough for a cat to lay comfortably on it) That's also around the time when you turn sideways to let somebody pass...and realize you didn't make more room. Quite an experience. But I'm teasing. Enjoy being the vessel, soon you'll be the pantry!

  2. Pensées souriantes pour cette petite crevette qui pousse. je te souhaite la meilleure des grossesses! :D

  3. Whoa. Five months to grow. Um, I meant 'to go', ... not 'to grow', but I guess that works too. I can't believe that you can make a little Hugoline in 9 months. Oooo, so exciting.

    Btw, ... what's your waist size? Hint hint. :) xx k.

  4. Brigite et Etolane, merci pour vos pensé guys are so sweet! Glad to 'see' you here :o)

    K, sweetie, my waist size is...expanding! For the record, though, I've started wearing nothing but maternity clothes because, well, my stretchy clothes don't fit anymore. So I'm a medium in pregnant ladies' clothes terms ;o)


Thank you for your words. They feed my words, hence everybody's happy.