Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Two and the Twenty-Three.

Today, I am cooking. Okay, okay, I am also knitting. I knit every day. Too much knitting to do before Xmas. Gotta get these gifts ready in time...but in between the knitting and the watching Battlestar Galactica, I am making cretons for fun and also ragoĆ»t de veau for tonight’s dinner. I have to get dressed this afternoon (yes – I am still in my jammies, get off my case) and get a decent bottle of wine at the SAQ. I’m thinking a nice Beaujolais or a Pinot Noir. Mmmm. Yesss. Definitely a Pinot Noir. Today is our 1st month anniversary living in our new home. We still think it rocks.

What rocks less is last night. We had our first annual general meeting of co-owners. About 25 people in a small room at the University, sitting around tables arranged in a big rectangle, butts hurting for three hours because of the conference chairs (which, I admit, could have been worse, they could have been plastic chairs). Twenty-three of these people were at ease or at least looked it. Twenty-three of these people were well-off, probably upper middle class (or higher), and discussed important issues about expenditures, investments, budgets, special kiss-my-ass budgets for new windows and doors, and air-conditioning systems. Twenty five not-too-pleased people found out they would need to fork out between seven and ten and a half thousand – thousand – dollars next year at this time to replace windows and doors for the whole block. There was an election.

Two of these people went home, had martinis, and played tennis and bowling and golf on their new Wii.


  1. Ooo martinis! I haven't had one of those in a while.

    Speaking of knitting, mine is going very slowly. It's already tuesday and I feel as if I won't have much time for anything this week. Well, maybe my knitting and I will make a date for Sunday! I started a cuff last week, and I'm starting to think that cuffs might be a good end project. :)

    Note to self: make some alone time for fun projects.

  2. Anonymous9:35 am

    LOL! And you wonder why I read you!

  3. Happy Nomad - don't give up! Cuffs eventually become sweaters! :o)

    Brigitte - is it the knitting, the Pinot Noir or the Battlestar Galactica that got to you?

    Kisses to both of you.


Thank you for your words. They feed my words, hence everybody's happy.