Surpriiiiise! This is a bilingual thing I'm doing. Ha! Yeah that's right.
I knew I'd get you someday. And that day, my friends, is today.
Before we move on to other things, I must mention my sadness at losing someone I didn't even know yet. I am rationalizing this right now with coldness because I am sick of crying. I know I am allowed to cry. But I've been doing it for 2 days now. I feel....dry.
Ha. That rhymes with cry. Lookadat.
I will survive. I have people around me who love me. I am choosing to be a being of light. I will not crawl into a cave and roll up into a little ball of pain. *Deep breath* Aaahhhhhh. *Stretch*. Ok. Here we go.
So as a new feature to this otherwise featureless thing I'm writing, I thought I would include in this blog entries from my first blog, which I started and maintained very unfaithfully in 2004-2005. This was in a fantastical place called Diaryland. It was not all fairies and pixies and pink marshmallow trees, nooooo. None of that. Just thousands of people, doing a writing thing. Much like Blogger. But not as cool with the templates and all that. So! Hence the title of this entry.
We are rewinding time *ooo-eee-ooo-eee-ooo* and going back to 2004. Not very interesting. But somewhat entertaining. So hang on to your berets, here's September 21, 2004:
So...hiya, world. Or whoever will read this. Or not. This is me doing something I've been wanting to do for a while: to have something I create be online. Dunno how this is going to turn out. We'll see. It's never too late. Maybe this is what I need to vent all these evil thoughts I've been having lately. God I need to eat something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not voluntarily not eating or anything. I'm just calming down from an out-of-control episode I've just had for the past...uhhhhm...4 or 5 hours. Ok. Grilled cheese sounds good.Currently listening to Dr. Greenthumb, by Cypress Hill. Very good.
Well! Phew! Not many things have changed, since that day. Let's see. I still have evil thoughts and out-of-control episodes. But I'm learning to control them, now. Okay, okay, I see where you're going - things have changed a bit. Next, I still like grilled cheese and Cypress Hill. Classics. How can you give up grilled cheese and Cypress Hill, seriously.
Okay, my readers! If you are not a figment of my imagination, I hope you enjoyed today's retrospective episode, and keep your eyes peeled for more soon. I've got better ones. And if you are a figment of my imagination, well, it's good to see you again. *Wink*
See ya.
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