Thursday, January 04, 2007

No Sleep, No Good.

First off, how do you like my new style? I figured a little change would be a fresh start to a new year. I made a resolution about the blog for this year, too, but I’m keeping it a secret for now, just in case my lazy ass nature takes over and I don’t keep said resolution.

Two nights in a row of sleeping in waves of half an hour. Not good.

The first night, it was Boo’s fault. He misses our Rent-a-Cat Saku. At least that’s my theory. We kittysat Saku, a charming cuteness of a Siamese, for two weeks, and he bullied her the whole time, cornering her, ripping out her soft velvety fur and generally being an ass. And now he seeks her throughout the house, meowing and running and, well, being a cat. He is such a spoiled, king-of-the-castle cat. Hence the crown medal with his name on it.

Last night, I think it was a combination of having a cup of tea an hour before bed (also not good) and my brain not being able to shut out my mind’s wild ramblings. Thinking about the Gabrielle. Thinking about how I was supposed to give birth to her yesterday. Reminding myself that next time will be the right one. Moving on to things I want to do before returning to work. Thinking of returning to work.

Needless to say, I am tired. But it’s okay, I’m in a really good mood today, so I’ll go put five movies in the DVD player, turn the TV on and knit two pairs of bootees. There are two new babies who need their little footsies to be kept warm. Welcome to the world, Adèle and Paul!

Needless to say, being a little tired makes me lazy. Laziness is already one of my character traits (albeit a minor one, I should add), but I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything after I woke up, had a cup of coffee, jumped in the shower and got dressed. So I got caught up on the blogs I read. Whew!

I’m going to go make a ham and cheese croissant now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 am

    I'm sooo glad that I'm not the only one that has problems shutting my mind off!
    As for Boo, I have the perfect solution for him: He needs a new kitty! Check my blog, I've done it for Christmas and it's turning out wonderful...


Thank you for your words. They feed my words, hence everybody's happy.