Friday, January 19, 2007

All Over the Place.

I’ve seen this thing on blogs I read called a meme. (apparently pronounced meem). From what I’ve gathered, they’re little quizzes, questions to blog about. Some of the memes are cool. Some are truly worthy of their name, because they are completely about the person writing them. Others are fun, like the one I did a couple months ago where you had to open a book at page 123. Today I am going to reveal a fact about me. You know, in the true spirit of memes. Ready?

True Fact About Me Number One:

I love grilled cheese sandwiches. They are yummy.

Stunned? Perplexed? Hungry? Good. I am glad this truly revealing fact about me got a rise out of you. I endeavour to keep you on your toes with equally poposterous (may I, Bridge?) statements. I am giving And now for something completely different: another revelation.

I am returning to work on Monday! Yes. It is true. Initially slated for a return to active society in March, I started feeling restlessness and the need for a new challenge in December. Honestly, making soup, cleaning up the house and watching Battlestar Galactica/Lost/Penn and Teller: Bullshit/The X-Files while knitting has its perks, but - well…you get the picture. I think this means I can go back. Why wait? My body is fine (and by fine I do not mean “hot” or “rockin’”, see post later today for explanation), my mind is….well I do have my good days and bad days, but who doesn’t, right? Thus am I preparing to re-enter the reality of the workplace. It will be a different job, with the same fun/smart/entertaining people. I am truly looking forward to it. Most of all, I am looking forward to hearing hits of the 80’s and 90’s sung with emotion by one of my coworkers in particular. It has always felt weird to sing them alone to myself. They needed that special delivery and gusto. Here I come, man. Prepare for special requests.


  1. woohoo! go caro go. best of luck back on the job. for the occasion i will prepare a celebratory grilled cheese, because mmmm.

  2. Yyyesss! Make it extra cheesy. they're better that way.

  3. Anonymous1:34 pm

    Some people just have no shame baring their souls in such intimate ways, it always amazes me ;)

    As for work, GOOD FOR YOU! My work is the only thing that keeps me sane in my insane life, just because I HAVE to be sane there, ya know?
    And adult companionship is just pretty darn nice.

  4. brigitte, you are so right.
    adult companionship really is nice.
    i was starting to develop a waaaay too organic relationship with Boo.


Thank you for your words. They feed my words, hence everybody's happy.