Monday, April 11, 2011

Princess Stuff.

Appreciated Homies,

Today, after the Weird Dialogue with Little Person Living Inside My Head (I swear I still have not lost my marbles), is a cute princess crafts session. My niece’s birthday, the youngest one who is turning three,  is on the 18th, and so this coming weekend, there is a birthday party going on. I’ve decided to make little Princess packages for all four girls, my two nieces and their two cousins. Pictures for you, My Loverlies. How happy are you, right?
The Materials for the crafting. From left to right, in the front row (like this is a Prom picture): princess stickers, glitter which looks like strings of diamonds, silver sticky letters, acrylic paint in bubblegum pink, eucalyptus green, powder blue and straw yellow (all Ceramcoat),yellow and white ribbons and silk paper for wrapping, a gift bag for the Birthday Girl's present and paper mâché hearts, in their raw, brown form. In the background, from left to right, my paint box on top of which rest two of the paper mâché hearts which I have already painted, a case of Corona (which has nothing to do with this post - ahem), and the noodle boxes I got to put the Princess heart-shaped boxes in (why am I reminded of a Nirvana song?), nestled in green silk paper.

 Anabelle's Gift Bag, containing two books: one about Sirens and one about Imps.

 The Princess Boxes, once they are done. The noodle boxes, decorated with princess stickers on all four surfaces, are meant to nestle the four princess heart-shaped boxes, each identified with the girls' initials (from left to right, Liliane, Anabelle, Éva, and Clémence). The Princess boxes are filled with real fruit gummies. Yum.


  1. Bananagirl8:56 pm

    oooooohhhhhh the girls will be SO happy about your gifts!!

    Oh and to the other guests at the party " Now try and top THAT! HA!!"

    yeahhhh no really, don't even try. It's not even worth it, you'll never come up with something this good. Unless you buy her a rocket ship filled with unicorns and Justin Bieber as the pilot.
    And even then, I'm still not sure it would top this.

    Ok now for the real stuff; let's see you turn that case of Corona into something princessy. Startinnnnnnng..... now! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Bananagirl,

    The girls were pretty happy with their Princess boxes. They ate all the gummies. They were pretty psyched. One person congratulated my sister on the quality of the surprise boxes she got at the dollar store. I was slightly insulted.

    For your information, the case of Corona has not yet been turned into anything remotely princessy. But I'll betcha ten bucks I could think of something.

    Cheers, bellissima. xo


Thank you for your words. They feed my words, hence everybody's happy.