In the evening. Very cozy.
Delicious yellow tomatoes...
My herb garden, with (bottom to top): lemon thyme, chives, miniature purple basil, rosemary and more lemon thyme.
The little flowers that could: they saved my not-so-hot flower boxes this year. They're still alive and kicking right now....and they're the only ones left. I am definitely getting more next year.
The small, yellow flowers you see on the right were very nice at the greenhouse when we got them. They are edible: I tried them once in a salad but wasn't overly impressed. They were supposed to stand about one foot and a half tall: I was looking forward to having a bit of a wall of flowers to give us some intimacy on the balcony. However, the wind flattened and bent them and they kind of hung there all summer, half broken and sad.
The ensemble, not yet grown in. The other hanging plant on the right is basil. Notice this is your first partial view of The Man, enjoying his morning coffee in his jammies.