Ever think you have a little person living inside your head, telling you what to do, what to think, how to go about your daily meanderings and most of all – sowing doubt in your mind? No? Good. Then you’re better off than me.
The happy thing is - I have come to terms with it. It's not like I need to take medication for it or anything. I think everyone has some kind of Little Person inside their heads. Some just choose to listen to it once in a while.
I call this little person The Little Person Living Inside My Head. And I’ve been ignoring the little person’s bid for attention for a couple of days now. It bites, it gnaws, it hurls things at me when I decide to stop paying attention. Then I get mad and tell it to go away. It usually works.
Last couple of weeks, it didn’t. Hence no posts. I’m back, now. Soon, the 2006 retrospective. Blah.